Problems with gif tunnels

Stephen J. Bevan stephen at
Sat Jun 11 06:00:03 GMT 2005

Greg 'groggy' Lehey writes:
 > Certainly that confusion exists.  But it doesn't seem to be the
 > problem here: the original poster (Gianmarco?) stated that he had
 > tried to set up a tunnel with gif(4), which would mean an IP-IP
 > tunnel.

If you were referring to Gianmarco then as the following exerpts from
his message show, he initially used nos-tun(4) rather than gif(4)
because he thought gif(4) did GRE ...

  > They insist to use the ipip tunnel (p:4) and I think I should use
  > the  nos-tun interface ...
  > Now I see I could simply use the gif interface (which I wrongly
  > suppose did only GRE tunnel :-) to connect to an ipip linux
  > tunnel. ...

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