streaming video

Chuck Robey chuckr at
Mon Dec 10 14:35:56 PST 2007

I can't figure out how to get streaming video (as exemplified by the 
links on this page: ) to 
display.  I have buiolt a host of dvd ports, they all seemm to show 
dvd's fine, but I can't figure out how to get one of the links on that 
page to kick off a program to show stuff.  This isn't flash.  Also, I do 
get a popup asking me what to do with this contentm but no matter what 
program I gove it (suck as xine, vlc, totem, gxine, or gxanim, others) 
nothing displays beyond the program's startup (the one I ca;; just opens 
  a window and grins stupidly at me).

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