High Definition Audio driver

Stephane E. Potvin sepotvin at videotron.ca
Mon Apr 3 05:11:14 UTC 2006

A few weeks ago I upgraded my laptop only to discover that the sound system
 on it was unsupported by FreeBSD, being an High Definition Audio
controller / codec. I started at that time to write a driver specific to
FreeBSD. Given that it seems that I'm not the only one stuck with this
problem, I decided after some gentle prodding by Alexander to share what
I'm trying to achieve.

I first had a look at the NetBSD driver but soon decided not to start from
it. They chose to use a monolithic driver that controls both the HDA
controller and the audio codec. The HDA architecture calls for a single HDA
controller to have many codecs connected via a shared bus. Each codec can
have multiple functions. These functions could be Audio, Modems, etc.

So I decided to take another approach for the driver I'm writing. I've
decided to split it into a driver for the HDA controller itself, one for
the HDA bus and one (or many) for the actual functions. The bus driver will
be used to enumerate the different functions that are on the different
codecs to find matching drivers.

This will enable us, in the long run, to be able to support other drivers
than Audio ones (like modems). It will also enable to have more than one
Audio function active on a single controller (in the case of an external
codec in a docking station for example). It will also enable the support of
different controllers on other architectures in case this standard catches
up without having to rewrite the audio functions.

Here are the major steps that I currently plan to do for this driver. They
are not in any relevant order:

- Implement the CORB and RIRB engines to send verbs and receive responses
from the codecs (mostly done).

- Implement a bus driver (hda) that will enumerate the functions on the
codecs and try to attach matching drivers. I'm not sure yet if I'll use the
bus_space subsystem to handle reading and writing the function registers
(via the CORB/RIRB). If anyone has any thoughts about that I'll be glad to
hear about them. (started but progressing slowly)

- Add support for the Stream Resources on the HDA controller. These are the
DMA engines that transfer the actual audio data to and from the codecs to
physical memory.

- Write the actual audio driver to control the audio function. This will be
the driver that will actually attach to the pcm subsystem.

- Add unsolicited response support to handle asynchronous events from the
functions. This will enable, for example, to send a devd events (or via any
other mechanism required) to userspace applications to indicate that a jack
was inserted or removed.

- Add hot insertion/removal of codecs to handle the case where a docking
station that sports a codec is added.

- Support for low power states on the HDA controller and on the codecs.

- Suspend / Resume support for laptop. I guess that I'll somewhat need to
fix basic suspend/resume on my laptop before I can tackle that :(

- Any other things I might need to add along the way...(

Now, the bad news. I'm working on this when I have the time but it's
usually not nearly enough as I would like it to be. I'll get there someday
unless somebody else beat me to it. If anybody would like this to go
faster, I'll be very happy to get any help that I might get.

In case it might be of interest to anybody, there's a version of the driver
(about 2 weeks ago) available at: (Thanks again Alexander)

Usual disclaimers, use this at your own risk. It may eat your computer,
make your cats sick, yaya. Some parts were added in a hurry just to make
this work (the interrupt handler for example), so they are kind of really
ugly. I plan to refine them with time.

I'm currently working on the bus driver itself. Once I get it working to my
liking, I'll update the driver and post a message here..

I would appreciate any feedback I can get about my plans, what I have done
so far, etc. Please don't hesitate to drop me an email in that case.



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