New 5.1 install...

Martes G Wigglesworth wiggleswormg at
Sun Nov 9 21:51:05 PST 2003

Greetings all...

I have just bought that 5.1 box set from BSDMall.  I have been able to
install the 5.1 BSD OS, however, when I start it after I have installed
it, the screen gets to a section that says, "Configuring syscons:
blanktime.".  What does this mean, and why does the boot continue to the
login screen?  My computer just hangs, and I can type 5 million lines if
I want, but nothing ever happens, and the harddrive is never pinged
after that message indicated above.  One other thing, "If my hard drive
is not even getting written to, as per the lack of any lights flashing,
then how the heck can I write anything to the screen?  I am not femiliar
with hardware designs and the miriad of information involved with how my
keyboard>mem>screen process works. 

Any help would be appreciated...

Martes G.W.
wiggtekmicro at

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