Choosing a new laptop

richard childers / kg6hac fscked at
Mon Jul 7 20:21:45 PDT 2003

I -always- use an external keyboard (and display) with my laptops.

I've dumped too many beverages into keyboards not to have learned, the 
hard way.  /-:

Once you get into this habit your laptops last longer ... and you can 
pick any keyboard you want. Keyboards are cheap.

Food for thought.

-- richard

Peter Radcliffe wrote:

>Greg 'groggy' Lehey <grog at> probably said:
>>"deal with it".  Why on earth should I "deal with it" when I have an
>>On the IBM you can't remap the bottom left key.  On Dells you can.
>>That's a distinction which makes me choose Dell over IBM.
>That isn't a reason that they IBM keyboard is not fully functional.
>It's a _preference_.
>On a Dell you can't remap wherever the Fn key is, does that make the
>keyboard non-functional ? Of course not.
>>They do for my requirements.  On Dell laptops I can have an Alt key on
>>the bottom left.  On IBM, I can't.
>Your requirements, your preferences. Fine, you didn't buy an IBM.
>None of this means they re not functional for other people.
>>>If you meant something else that prevents it working then please
>>No, that's enough.
>Ok, you're just abusing the language. Whatever.

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