new FreeBSD java binaries

Jonathan Chen jonc at
Thu Apr 13 20:43:43 UTC 2006

On Thu, Apr 13, 2006 at 12:49:39PM -0400, Scott I. Remick wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Apr 2006 17:42:58 -0400 (EDT), Michael Allman wrote:
> I'm a little confused on how to properly use these binaries. Part of it is
> probably that my understanding of the Java scene only goes so far. :)
> 1) What is the significance of the "Diablo" name prefix? How does a
> "Diablo" JDK differ from a non-Diablo one?

Different license agreements. The Diablo release is downloadable and
redistributable. The non-Diablo version is can only be built from ports,
and is non-redistributable.

> 2) Under what circumstances would I want to install the JRE (or "latte") vs
> the JDK (or "caffe")? I believe the JDK contains the JRE, correct? 

The JRE is a smaller set of binaries useful for binary production releases
that will not compile java-code.

> 3) If "most users" want the jre/jdk vs. caffe/latte, then why does
> java/diablo-jdk15 download diablo-caffe instead of diablo-jdk?

See 5).

> 4) If I run "pkg_add -r jdk15" at this point, what gets installed?

Nothing. This will attempt to fetch the non-redistributable jdk
binaries, which doesn't exist (they don't get built on the package

> 5) Still not really clear on the differences between the caffe and latte
> tarballs and the jdk/jre packages. 

The caffe/latte are source tarballs which generate the diablo jdk/jre

Jonathan Chen <jonc at>
  If you're right 90% of the time, why quibble about the remaining 3%?

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