OS check fails on JDK 1.4 & FreeBSD 5.4R

Scott I. Remick scott at sremick.net
Wed May 25 23:10:29 GMT 2005

On Sun, 22 May 2005 14:42:19 -0700, Vizion wrote:

> I recomend a make clean, make distclean, a cvs ports-all, portupgrade -a, and 
> portupgrade -rF  of the sdk-- mmy guess is you have some binary clashes..

Unfortunately, it wasn't that simple. I did the "make clean" and "make
distclean", updated my ports (only ones not currently updating are mplayer
and nvidia-driver). I think you meant -Rf and not -rF since the latter
makes no sense, so I did the former and it still ends with the same error:

*** Error code 1 (ignored)

 You must have a version of FreeBSD later than 4.7-STABLE
 February 2003 or 5-CURRENT February 2003 to compile and
 use JDK 1.4.2.

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