java plugin not using cookies any more?

freebsd at freebsd at
Mon Jun 21 01:42:10 PDT 2004


a while back I noticed that in mozilla 1.(4,5? don't recall which)
I could not use our Niku time tracking tool any more.  The applet
would report a connection error just as if I wasn't logged on. My
interpretation was that the applet for some reason was not using
the cookies that I got at the preceeding (form base) login.  I didn't
bother since firefox 0.8 did not show that problem, I simply used 
firefox instead of mozilla.

Now with the recent upgrade to firefox 0.9 I see the exact same problem,
and the current mozilla (1.6) also still has the issue.

Has anyone else seen this problem?  Would it likely be a mozilla/firefox
problem or a java problem?


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