ant script annoyances

Jean-Baptiste Quenot jb.quenot at
Thu Sep 11 07:05:07 PDT 2003

* Herve Quiroz:

> Although  I  was  quite  fond   of  the  current  behaviour  when  you
> implemented it,  I just faced  the problem last  night and I  found it
> very annoying.

Just a quick note to say that yes, the behaviour of automatically adding
jars  to the  classpath is  great,  but not  in  the scope  of Ant.   It
could  just be  a  shell  script that  one  could  use independently  by
sourcing  /usr/local/share/java/ (let's  call it  like
that) before invoking ant.

I  use my  own algorithm  for  setting up  the classpath,  but this  has
definitely *nothing* to  do with ant.  Every project should  have a copy
of the  libs IMHO.  Ant should  not rely on FreeBSD's  installed classes
for proper function.   It is not portable that way.   The magical script
fragment  should only  be considered  *convenience* shell  function, but
should not be included in /usr/local/bin/ant.

Best regards,
Jean-Baptiste Quenot

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