RMI on FreeBSD

David Israelsson david at israelsson.org
Thu Nov 20 03:25:19 PST 2003

Sheldon Hearn <sheldonh at starjuice.net> writes:

>> Has anyone had any success with RMI on FreeBSD?  I can't get the most
>> simple test program to work.
> RMI has to be working for some cases at least, because it's used heavily
> by JBoss, which works on both -CURRENT and -STABLE (for some definition
> of works).
>> The problem is registering to the naming service.
>> java.rmi.Naming.rebind() takes 75 seconds (socket timeout?), and after
>> another 45 seconds the program exits.  No exceptions are thrown.
> Sounds like a "network problem", which I realize doesn't help you very
> much.  If you can find out what TCP port on what host it's trying to
> communicate with, you have a chance.
> The first thing I always do in these situations is rule out IPv6.  If
> you don't use it, turn it off to rule it out.
I've set net.inet6.ip6.v6only to 0, and I've tried to let the program
contact both localhost and (the latter has no ipv6
equivalent).  It does connect, because if I try to run the program
without having started the rmiregistry I get
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused.

I also checked the network traffic when I tried the same program on a
Linux box where it's working ok.

1: myclass -> rmiregistry: RMIK
2: myclass <- rmiregistry: N
3: myclass -> rmiregistry: (sends ip addr followed by the stub (and
                           possibly more, I don't know, it's all
4: myclass <- rmiregistry: (answers with cryptic binary data)
   (wait for some time)
5: myclass -> rmiregistry: EOF
6: myclass <- rmiregistry: EOF

On my FreeBSD box, the 75 seconds of waiting appears between step 3
and 4.

How do I turn off ipv6 completely?


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