BGP solution ?

Georgi Moskov moskov at
Wed Jan 21 03:44:26 PST 2004

Hi all,

I have tha following setup:

                       --- B ---
                      /         \
                     /           \     6802:100 -- A             C ----------- F
                     \           /    6802:200
                      \         /
                       --- D ---

Router F advertises to router C prefixes marked widh community 6802:100
and prefixes marked with 6802:200. Is it possible to configure the routers
in such a way, that traffic to/from and prefixes marked
widh 6802:100 to pass through router B and traffic to/from 6802:200 to
pass through router D ? (the ruters use zebra)

Georgi Moskov

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