isdntrace - getting old output format back?

Torfinn Ingolfsen tingox at
Thu Jun 26 17:25:56 UTC 2008


On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 12:01 AM, Hans Petter Selasky <hselasky at> wrote:
> Hi again,
> I think this issue has been fixed, but you need to use to stuff from SVN. The
> 1.5.10 package is too old! And you need to use FreeBSD 6+ .

Ok, I finally got the old machine[1] upgraded to FreeBSD 6.3-stable,
and installed the latest ISDN4BSD from svn (revision 755).
Both isdntrace and isdndecode still uses the new output format
(text-formatted hexdump with annotations). I tried all switches /
options on isdndecode but couldn't get it to output the old text
format. Is there something I have overlooked?

To be precise, the call-logd script expects strings like the following
(it greps for them):
called party number: 99999999
calling party number: 99999999

where '99999999' will be the actual number calling / called.

Is it possible to get either isdntrace or isdndecode to output that format?
1) machine used:
Torfinn Ingolfsen,

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