F/N/Mbsd ISDN (was Re: internet by call using i4b)

Thorsten Glaser tg at 66h.42h.de
Mon Oct 25 03:51:22 PDT 2004

Martin Husemann dixit:

>in later version, but I'm not sure (for FreeBSD - it certainly is fixed in

Speaking of which... how much does the ISDN codebase diverge
between FreeBSD and NetBSD(TM), except for the different
locations of the files?

Would it be feasible to minimise the diffs between FreeBSD,
NetBSD(TM) and MirBSD ISDN4BSD code? I'm willing to do my
part (currently, mirbsd isdn is about the same as NetBSD(TM)
had a year ago).

//mirabile - MirOS head developer

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