Change in layout?

João Carlos Mendes Luís jonny at
Wed Sep 10 20:14:47 PDT 2003

Ken Smith wrote:
> I have been "asking around" to see if this is possible.  They haven't
> said it's possible yet, but they haven't said it's not possible either.
> So, IF it turns out this is possible do you think this would help?
>   1) Move the *release* package set into the releases/ directory
>      itself, instead of that being a symlink.

     Wouldn't this make those who download entire release dir to get 
almost 5G?  And also, in these times when we donwload ISO images, is 
this a problem?

>   2) Move the non-release package sets (e.g. packages-5-current) to
>      a new directory named releases/

     You meant packages here, right?

     I like this idea.

> Using the 4.9 release as an example that means the package set that
> would be placed in ports/i386/packages-4.9-release under the current
> scheme would be placed in releases/i386/4.9-RELEASE/packages instead.
> The reasons I thought this might help are:
>   - the releases/ directory continues to be "static" stuff, with some
>     clever rsync scripts or the separate cvsup collections available
>     you can continue to just sync that during active release times if
>     you want
>   - the ports/ directory will only contain "dynamic" stuff, and only
>     stuff directly related to the operations of "ports" (a tarball
>     of the /usr/ports tree, plus all the distfiles)
>   - the packages/ directory (new) will contain only "dynamic" stuff,
>     and there will be less of it because the (static) release package
>     sets will now be in the releases/ directory
> This should make choosing to carry only ports stuff or only packages stuff
> easier if you want to do that.
> Is this worth pursuing?  They may still say no - keep in mind releases
> are built by different people than the ports/packages, etc. and
> coordinating it amongst all the different people during a time they're
> all under stress (release time...) might not work.

    It needs some changes (and I don't know whici), but it's worth trying.


João Carlos Mendes Luís - Networking Engineer - jonny at

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