What does delegation mean?

Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Thu Jun 26 09:57:10 PDT 2003

[ I'd like to try something to reduce the email volume.  Please reply
to this straight to me.  I will summarize the results later.  If it
seems to you like I mis-represent things in the summary feel free to
flame me all you want then.  I accidentally started conversation about
something I didn't think would generate conversation once already
today (I should have waited for the dust to settle on DNS before
posting the letter thing...) so I don't want to add even more. :-]

I started a private conversation with one of you so I could learn
more about the current structure of things and learned quite a bit
that way.  For those of you who are running delegated zones:

	- Do you provide www, cvsup, and ftp servers that all of the
	  folks down inside of your zone use?  For example if your
	  zone was foo.freebsd.org does any system inside of your
	  zone connect to a ftp-master* site that is outside of your

	- If you are providing these Tier-1 servers which then feed
	  Tier-2 servers, do the Tier-2 servers wind up having the
	  releases in the "staged" form (permissions set properly so
	  it's not available to anonymous FTP users) before Release

If the answer to the first question is that virtually all delegated
zones work that way then as you have been trying to point out to me
life is much simpler than I had thought it was before, I didn't realize
the delegated zones where *that* self-sufficient.

						Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at cse.buffalo.edu
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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