DNS Stuff Proposal

Daniel Lang dl at leo.org
Thu Jun 26 07:43:53 PDT 2003

Hi Ken,

Ken Smith wrote on Thu, Jun 26, 2003 at 08:47:05AM -0400:
> That was great!  :-)

> I especially like the solution of creating hostmaster.<cc>.freebsd.org
> and pointing it to the central admins if the <cc>.freebsd.org isn't
> strong enough to handle DNS on their own.  It's not quite as simple
> as "send to hostmaster at freebsd.org no matter what you want" but it's
> definitely the next best thing and it eliminates the variability.
> Just one question so far.  In your examples is Chris viewed as the
> coordinator of the FTP mirror sites, or is he the coordinator of
> DNS, or is he coordinator of everything (dns, ftp, cvsup, and www)?

Hmm, I agree, that this was not clear. I try to be more specific
"Chris" is a person (or even a team), that is responsible for
handling DNS entry requests. These could be delegation requests,
or simple entries.

"Chris" may not necessarily have to decide, if a new FTP mirror
is useful in a particular region. This should be decided either
internally of that zone (if possible), or maybe decided by
"Chris" in conjunction with some other people, like Jun.
Possibly the opinion of other <hubs at freebsd.org> subscribers
could also be taken into account.

So I would say, Chris is the coordinator for DNS requests.

Other Coordinators not related to Chris are for the
FreeBSD archive (FTP contents), who will have to interact with
<re at freebsd.org> (which already works very well).

{ftp,cvsup}-master.freebsd.org access is already handled
by Jun.

IMHO CVSup/CVS Repository and WWW Services do not require
a special coordinator. There is not much coordination
required, apart from deciding necessity and granting 
DNS entries, which again will be a job of Chris and his
fellow admins, responsible for a local zone.

I hope this is clear enough.

> I sort of figured there would be four different people coordinating
> those four different things but I was guessing that was needed, I
> wasn't sure if one person could do all of them.  And I figured they
> needed to be coordinated on a global basis (even if they're managed
> at a regional level, if that makes any sense...) if things like a
> sane tiering system for FTP sites is to be done, or Murray's stats
A sort of sane tiering system is in place. What is missing
is the documentation of the current situation, so you might
get the impression. On the other hand, I would not over-regulate
the tier-system. The whole thing is too dynamic for strict
structures, IMHO. The only thing, that needs to be more controlled
is the access to the master servers, and this is handled by their
admins (Ceijka and Jun).

> collection, etc.  I figured the cvsup and www services would have
> similar-but-different issues they face, they'd have their own equivalent
> of hubs@, and they'd coordinate themselves separate from the ftp sites.
There are far less complex issues to run these services, so there
is really not much to coordinate with these services.
Everything can be handled very well within the <hubs at freebsd.org>
context, IMHO.

Best regards,
IRCnet: Mr-Spock     - Agartim billiard bumba m'abdul in papejim twista 
-  rumba rock n rolla. Leik'ab mai. Spirzon Heroin se'osit gaula.     -
               - Marijuana esit gaula. Haschisch. Opis. - 
 Daniel Lang * dl at leo.org * +49 89 289 18532 * http://www.leo.org/~dl/
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