DRAFT - DNS Admin Guide

Dan Langille dan at langille.org
Wed Jun 25 08:13:18 PDT 2003

On 25 Jun 2003 at 10:09, Ken Smith wrote:

> If the delegations currently in place are not hurting they would
> not need to be broken down.  But moving forward from here the "new"
> focus on function (WWW/cvsup/ftp) being the primary organization
> and the DNS layout not as focused on country codes is what decisions
> get made by.
> Under this scheme all requests for updates go to dmsadm@ no matter
> what thing(s) it is they are requesting.  If delegation is in place
> for it then the dnsadm@ folks handle bumping it to the right person(s)
> (or if the mail volume on dnsadm@ isn't really all that high everyone
> involved in any DNS changes can get the messages and would know which
> piece they are handling).

I may have a working example which will help.

nz.freebsd.org is delgated to me.  I look after DNS for everything 
under that subdomain.  I've been doing this for the about 4 or 5 
years I think.  The only time I have to contact dsnadm@ is if I need 
to change the IP address on my DNS server.    Apart from that, I do 
everything else.  Granted, we have only one of www, cvsup, and 
[sometimes] ftp, but it is an example.
Dan Langille : http://www.langille.org/

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