Fwd: GSOC: Qt front-ends

Justin Edward Muniz justin.muniz at maine.edu
Wed Apr 24 18:19:33 UTC 2013

> During some tests with cut down kernels one can easily make unbuildable
> kernel, for example include option A, while omit hiddenly required B.
> If there could be framework at least with deps tracking/checking, what
> could be good for begin.
> Both for configuring, and code clean up.
> If this will come up in GUI - that would be awesome.

> Especially if it handles dependencies!  For example, check USB Disk
> Support, and have scbus, da, etc enabled automatically.  Or having the
> LIBICONV stuff enabled if you add MSDOSFS support.  And so on.

Dependency checking and resolution is a really great idea. Thank you both
for voicing your thoughts!

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