looking for mature/efficient gui builder/toolkit/IDE for Python (or C for that matter)

Daniel Eischen deischen at freebsd.org
Fri Mar 11 01:25:25 UTC 2011

On Thu, 10 Mar 2011, Steve Franks wrote:

> I'm interested in doing some graphical serial-port parsing software in
> Python (or possibly C which I'm actually more familiar with) - anyone
> care to render an opinion on the most direct route to a usable gui?
> I figure Python is probably somewhat the preferred language these days
> for GUIs given the large number of 'nix desktop apps that have been
> showing up in python of late...
> Last time I wrote a gui was in VisualC 6.0, so it's been awhile - with
> VisualC it took about the same amount of time to write all the
> coordinates for a GUI in the code as it did to draw it and hook up the
> code; hopefully things have gotten a bit more streamlined - hoping to
> spend most of my coding time on string parsing, not gui building...

After using Java for a few years (since JDK 1.3), I
wouldn't use anything else for a GUI.  It'll also
easily run on other OS's.

I don't use IDE's though, so I can't recommend one.  Some
people I work with use Netbeans though.  There does seem
to be support available for Python in Netbeans:



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