lzma compression/decompression in bsdtar/libarchive?

Ivan Voras ivoras at freebsd.org
Tue Nov 25 10:02:27 PST 2008

bf wrote:
> Tim:
> There is good news: Igor Pavlov, the primary author of the original LZMA
> SDK, has placed the latest version, available at:
> http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sevenzip/lzma461.tar.bz2
> into the public domain.  It's a mix of ANSI-C and C++ code, and so it
> would seem suitable for adoption into the FreeBSD source tree in some
> form that could be integrated with bsdtar/libarchive.  What do you 
> think?  It would be *really* nice to have this, since in many ways
> it is better than bzip2, and many projects have started to distribute
> code in lzma-compressed tarballs.  It could help us save disk space
> and network throughput, and help us with the current problems in 
> shoehorning releases onto as few cds as possible, etc.

How useful would LZMA be without supporting the .7z file format?
Probably not at all, since there isn't a gzip-like file format or
wrapper that supports LZMA.

Since .7z supports a lot of compression formats and options
(unfortunatly saving unix ownership and mode attributes isn't one of
them so be careful there!) it would probably be easier to just import
p7z - and that's probably out of the question. It's available in the
ports just fine.

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