FreeBSD Best Practice

Karl Fischer kmf at
Mon Jul 14 11:33:19 UTC 2008

I'm a SysAdmin, I'm wondering whether this is the correct list to ask?
I'm looking for FreeBSD Best Practice information, (or a FreeBSD
Mailing List, I can join)
I want to make sure that all my servers comply to at least some widely
accepted standards,
so in the event of me getting hit by a bus or being abducted by aliens,
another person can take over from me.

I have done a search through the mailing lists and this seems like the
list to ask.


                Karl Fischer
 |_|0|_|	"Absence of evidence
 |_|_|0|	is not evidence of absence"
 |0|0|0|	Carl Sagan
                - -

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