printing boot probe messages

Chuck Robey chuckr at
Thu Dec 27 16:21:04 PST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote:
> Chuck Robey <chuckr at> writes:
>> As far as the hints files go, I'm embarrassed to admit that I don't
>> understand the difference between the hints file that I name (APRIL.hints)
>> in my config file, and the device.hints in the man page of that name.
> OK, so you customized your device hints file.  Don't do that; that's
> what broke your console.  Don't compile device hints into your kernel,
> either.  Just use the stock device.hints that mergemaster installs in
> /boot, and you will be fine.  There is no need to modify the hints file
> except in very special circumstances, and it has no effect on the size
> of your kernel.

After a rather huge amount of experimentation (I don't know if  you saw, I
lost my keyboard for all my X11 stuff, when I tried to omit the number of
available vty's down from 16 to 8, but removing that single line from my
kernel config fixed the keyboard access problem).

Anyhow, in the midst of all the screwing around, I now find that, on the
Ascii-graphics FreeBSD loader UI, if I choose Option #5 (verbose loading)
then the printing of the regular probe messages starts back up (this is NOT
the verbose probe messages, it's the printing of the regular probing
messages.)  I have to admit, I don't clearly know the difference, in
setting the variables, between verbose loading the verbose probing.  I know
the difference in what prints, but I don't know how to set this up
permanently without getting me that verbose probing, which I would like to

Any idea how to set that up.verbose loading but regular probing, the same
as  hitting the option #5?
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