Is anyone working on a port of ZFS to FreeBSD

Robert Watson rwatson at
Thu Jun 1 09:51:18 PDT 2006

On Thu, 1 Jun 2006, Eric Anderson wrote:

> Agreed it would be.  I'd love to see it (I'm an advocate for as many 
> filesystems available as possible actually).
> So, the real question is, who's going to volunteer to start actually porting 
> it?

People interested in volunteering can expect lots of help and interest, but 
should go into it knowing that it's a highly complex multi man year project, 
and definitely not a summer project or "free weekends" sort of thing.  I'm 
happy to be proven wrong on that point, but it would be dishonest for me to 
suggest it will be easy.  :-)

Robert N M Watson

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