pthread functions swallowing stdout, and stderr?

R. Tyler Ballance tyler at
Sat Aug 20 08:23:44 GMT 2005

Howdy, I'm working on my SoC project, where one of the important, yet  
broken, functions is being called from pthread_once()

I have printf()'s before the pthread_once() call to help me debug,  
and printf()'s after the pthread_once() call, but the function that  
is called in pthread_once() has printf()'s inside it that never  
output to stdout :/

Here are some links in case I'm not making sense: 

The function that calls pthread_once() is launch_msg() on line 692,  
the pthread_once() calls launch_client_init() on line 119.

Nothing from within launch_client_init() gets output to the terminal,  
while the printfs in launch_msg() before and after the  
launch_client_init() call are both output....

Any tips? :/


-R. Tyler Ballance

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