org.freedesktop.SystemToolsBackends service cannot be found

Nikolaj Thygesen NT at MILESTONE.DK
Tue Apr 3 10:42:21 UTC 2007

Hi list,

	After upgrading to Gnome 2.18 I'm told that the
org.freedesktop.SystemToolsBackends service cannot be found every time I
launch Gnome. Consequently some settings applications like f.ex.
network-admin refuse to load. What might be the cause of this??
	As an experiment I tried running "system-tools-backend" in a
terminal which enabled the launch of the settings applications, but
still I got a lot of warning/error messages. Do I need to enable extra
components in rc.conf??
	I have added the polkit, dbus and hal enablers in order to use
hal, but so far I left out enable_gnome="YES" for some long forgotten
reason. I will test this tonight when I get home, I just didn't think it
was mandatory.

	Br - Nikolaj Thygesen

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