gnome upgrade failed ;(

Fernan Aguero fernan at
Sat Mar 19 12:37:26 PST 2005

+----[ Emil Petkov <emil_5kov at> (19.Mar.2005 17:29):
| I was trying to upgrade gnome 2.8 to 2.10 with the
| by doing:
| #setenv MC_TMPDIR /usr/home/myuser/tmpdir
| #sh ./
| The build soon failed because of gnomespeech package.
| All the FAQ I've read suggest to restart the build by
| passing -restart flag to the shell script together
| with the tmp directory I've chosen for the logfile but
| when
| I tried: 
| -restart
| /usr/home/myuser/tmpdir/gnome_upgrade_lst.XXXXX 
| it did start from the beginning.

yes it would start in a similar way, however it would skip
some steps (ie. the removal of the ports that it would then

| So my question is what is the right syntax of the
| command so that the script restarts rather than starts
| from the beginning? I guess it is a simple one but 
| all the examples I've read didn't work.
| Furthermore, should I delete gnomespeech from the .lst
| file of packages to bulid it properly? 

Yes, if you have not solved the problem, perhaps it is a
good idea to remove it. Also do consider that the reason for
failing to build gnomespeech might also affect you down the
road once you restart the script. 

| Thanks in advance.

You're welcome,


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