evolution 2.2.0: suggestions

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at FreeBSD.org
Wed Mar 16 11:15:57 PST 2005

Hash: SHA1

Sergey Litvinenko wrote:
| Hello!
| I like the evolution very much, and it really helps me seamlessly work
| in unix environment.
| With evolution it become one great reason less to work with MSW
| platform, THANK YOU!

While we'd like to take credit for it, all we did is make it run on
FreeBSD.  WE didn't write it.

| Now, I'd like describe some features i'd love with evolution.
| first is the ability to load email headers via pop3 protocol in the same
| manner as in the bat! (www.ritlabs.com).
| it saves a lot of time/money when fetching mail via GPRS mobile connect,
| also helps defy spam.
| if it would be possible to switch from
| "invoke message manager" and "fetch now" modes using some simple rules
| like if my ip is like xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/xx - fetch all
| if my ip is like yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy/yy - invoke manager
| - it would be greatly cool.
| second,
| i'd love if would a possibility for enabling mode when writing a new
| message would occupy just the same window, as list of messages in a box,
| much alike as does PINE.
| sometimes having many separate windows makes me angry to switch from one
| to another, stealing my laptop screen space, but it would be nice to
| have this behaviour switchable.
| third
| i'd love the buttons in toolbars would be possible to reduce for only
| small icons, no text.

These need to be taken up with Ximian (the people that write Evolution).
~ You can file these as enhancement requests at http://bugzilla.ximian.com.

| fourth,
| i didn't find the way to see email raw headers,
| but sometimes it's quite useful to find from where the message appeared
| first.

You can always do View->Message Display->Show Full Headers or Show Raw


| Sincerely
| Sergey Litvinenko
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- --
Joe Marcus Clarke
FreeBSD GNOME Team	::	gnome at FreeBSD.org
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