Port upgrade: www/firefox. Added GUI selection support

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at FreeBSD.org
Wed Jun 15 20:41:03 GMT 2005

Hash: SHA1

Adam Weinberger wrote:
| Michael Johnson wrote:
|> On Jun 15, 2005, at 2:28 PM, Jeremy Messenger wrote:
|>> On Wed, 15 Jun 2005 05:06:24 -0500, Erich Dollansky
|>> <oceanare at pacific.net.sg> wrote:
|>>> Hi,
|>>> Jeremy Messenger wrote:
|>>>> On Wed, 15 Jun 2005 04:09:33 -0500, Erich Dollansky
|>>>> <oceanare at pacific.net.sg> wrote:
|>>>>  That's reason why we should kill GTK1, because of no support and
|>>>> no  maintain for years. Avoid the world to have full of worms &
|>>>> co. from it.
|>>> So, you say we should continue to give the poor people here our  old
|>>> machines with Windows as this allows at least browsing with
|>>> Internet Explorer?
|> on OLDER versions of windows. you could always download an older
|> version of freebsd and run an older version of firefox.
|>> Uh? Aren't we talking about FreeBSD?
|>>>> 3) Use the different browser.
|>>> This is what we currently do, but it ain't no FreeBSD browser.
|>> Please, there have plenty of different browser for Linux/FreeBSD.
|>> lynx, link, dillo, opera, and goes on...
|>>> Erich
| This discussion is getting silly. Someone needs to make a decision, and
| someone needs to commit it. I'm on vacation, so I'm not committing right
| now, but I will make a decision about this (follow it as you wish):
| * gtk12 support will *not* be added. We don't build gtk12 support into
| other apps, and we won't here.
| * Xlib/no-XUL support *will* be added. This should give people a nice
| option for slower machines who don't want to be bogged down by a GTK2
| dependency. Note, however, that the FreeBSD GNOME team all uses GTK2, so
|  the Xlib-only option won't get much committer testing in all likelihood.

Then why do it at all?  If none of us are going to support this option,
and only one or two users want it, why should we commit it?  The
submitter already has a patch that works for him.  He can post the patch
for others to use.  Why add something else that may earn us more bug
reports if no one on the team will be testing and maintaining the option?

I'm all for dropping both of these patches unless one of the FreeBSD
GNOME guys wants to step up and offer support.


| Mezz, ahze, do either of you want to commit this?
| # Adam

- --
Joe Marcus Clarke
FreeBSD GNOME Team	::	gnome at FreeBSD.org
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