Thunderbird, CC header

John McAree john at
Thu Dec 30 10:12:27 PST 2004

Bruce A. Mah wrote:


>1.  Is there an equivalent to Evolution's "Always CC: to" preferences
I see an option to BCC addresses in the Account Preferences (Edit -> 
Account Settings -> Copies and Folders), which I guess is the 
equivalent. On the same screen, you can also set which folder to place a 
copy of the message in, either a local folder or a remote IMAP folder.

>2.  Failing that, is there a way to make Thunderbird at least *preserve*
>all of the recipients in a "Reply to All" operation?
What do you mean by this? I did a "Reply to All" on this email, and 
Thunderbird placed your address in the "To:" field, and the list address 
in the "CC:" field automatically. Surely that's preserving all the 


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