Need the help on hack gDesklets to kill the 'Linuxish' in Python.

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at
Sun Sep 14 04:08:25 PDT 2003

On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 12:27:24 -0500
Jeremy Messenger <mezz7 at> wrote:

> > Patches attached, because of lack of a Display which uses them I haven't
> > tested the patches... beware, it may eat your pets because there are
> > maybe some typos.
> Awsome, thanks! Is it ok for you if I add your name and email (a credit) 
> in the top of each patches? I haven't test those patches yet, but I will 
> this afternoon.

Feel free to do so, but please use my netchild at address.

> > The new version of gdesklets also doesn't update the weather and pi's
> > network desklet...
> Yeah, I don't know when someone will update them.. SysInfo[1] is the best 
> applet to test right now, it depends on libgdesklets. :-) Umm, have you 
> sent to gdesklets buzilla, yet? Or, do you want me to do it for you?
> I learn something new from your patches.. :-) I usually use the 'import 
> sys' to find the system like this:
> =========================
> if sys.platform in ['linux']:
>     Stuff only work for Linux..
> elif sys.platform in ['freebsd4', 'freebsd5']:
>     Stuff only work for FreeBSD 4 and 5
> =========================

Yes, in the first version I've used this too, but then I've seen that
libdesklets also has something similar, and we don't need to distinguish
freebsd4 and freebsd5 at the moment.


            The dark ages were caused by the Y1K problem.                       Alexander @
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