Need the help on hack gDesklets to kill the 'Linuxish' in Python.

Jeremy Messenger mezz7 at
Sat Sep 13 10:28:27 PDT 2003

On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 16:11:06 +0200, Alexander Leidinger 
<Alexander at> wrote:

> On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 02:46:41 -0500
> Jeremy Messenger <mezz7 at> wrote:
>> The new version of gDesklets just released yesterday and it has the new
>> directory called libgdesklets. All of them will not work on FreeBSD,
>> because it is too 'Linuxish' by read the /proc/* stuff. They are written
>> in Python and I don't know Python that much and much, but I am trying to
>> learn it. The gDesklets developer said that they will accept the
>> patch(es)[1] as long it will work on Linux too, so you can send me the
>> patch(es) too and I will add it in the gDesklets port until one of your
>> patch(es) make it in gDesklets. It doesn't matter if you only can get it
>> works on FreeBSD but not on Linux, then just send it to me.
>> [1] Send the patch(es) to gDesklets at ..
> Patches attached, because of lack of a Display which uses them I haven't
> tested the patches... beware, it may eat your pets because there are
> maybe some typos.

Awsome, thanks! Is it ok for you if I add your name and email (a credit) 
in the top of each patches? I haven't test those patches yet, but I will 
this afternoon.

> The new version of gdesklets also doesn't update the weather and pi's
> network desklet...

Yeah, I don't know when someone will update them.. SysInfo[1] is the best 
applet to test right now, it depends on libgdesklets. :-) Umm, have you 
sent to gdesklets buzilla, yet? Or, do you want me to do it for you?

I learn something new from your patches.. :-) I usually use the 'import 
sys' to find the system like this:

if sys.platform in ['linux']:
    Stuff only work for Linux..
elif sys.platform in ['freebsd4', 'freebsd5']:
    Stuff only work for FreeBSD 4 and 5


Thanks again,

> Bye,
> Alexander.

-- 's moderator, mezz.

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