I've played around with gdesklets (patch included for interested parties)

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at Leidinger.net
Mon Sep 8 02:14:23 PDT 2003

On Sat, 06 Sep 2003 20:11:53 -0500
Jeremy Messenger <mezz7 at cox.net> wrote:

There was a mail problem somewhere... mails are flowing in at the
moment and I will answer as they come in.

> Ok, so you don't have the refresh problem with Network?

I have the refresh problem...

> As for weather applet, I had to get it works by put zip code in city and 
> state in country. I think, it might not like space 'Garden City' and need 
> to be convert to 'Garden%20City', but I don't use weather since it doesn't 
> work on the refresh very well.

I think it also suffers from the refresh problem...

> > Does the build really depends upon gdesklets? I haven't found the string
> > "desk" as a run dependency in the Install*.bin.
> Yes, because I want gdesklets to take care of Displays and Sensors 
> directories rather than I put the 'mkdir' in the each applets. The 
> BUILD_DEPENDS will create Displays and Sensors, before install the 
> applets. If you disagree, go ahead make your suggest. ;-)

RUN_DEPENDS has to be satisfied before a "make install", so specifying
it only in RUN_DEPENDS should be enough.


                Where do you think you're going today?

http://www.Leidinger.net                       Alexander @ Leidinger.net
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