is gbde ready for hardware acceleration?

ke.han ke.han at
Thu Sep 8 11:58:52 PDT 2005

I'm new to this list and new to gbde as well.  I would like to put 
together in the new week or two a new server with two sets of RAID 1 
drives.  The first set being normal non-encrypted FreeBSD 6 boot and 
program files and the second set using gbde to encrypt the entire 
drives.  I have read posts from 2003 that gbde w/o hardware acceleration 
runs at 20-25% of full speed.  I have also read posts from about  mid 
2004 that work was being done on soekris based hardware support.  Is 
this support working yet for the type of setup I desire?  Any ideas as 
to how the soekris compares to non-hardware acceleration?
thanks, ke han

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