EBS snapshot backups from a FreeBSD zfs file system: zpool freeze?

Berend de Boer berend at pobox.com
Wed Jul 3 19:28:35 UTC 2013

>>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel Kalchev <daniel at digsys.bg> writes:

    Daniel> It seems, Amazon uses some sort of ZFS (volume) snapshots
    Daniel> in order to implement the functionality of EBS. Why it
    Daniel> would take hours to complete is hard to understand,

It all depends on how big your disks are :-)

First snapshot takes longer, then they take differences. Perhaps 1TB
takes 20 minutes or so? But diffs are much faster, usually 2 minutes
or so.

All the best,

Berend de Boer

          Awesome Drupal hosting: https://www.xplainhosting.com/

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