nfs4 on FreeBSD

Chuck Lever cel at
Tue Oct 4 14:22:46 PDT 2005

Ivan Synyeokov wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm playing with nfs4 under FreeBSD and I wonder is there any particular
> plans to improve its support and have fully functional nfs4 client and
> server in base or maybe ports?
> I've found that Rick's ( work is
> quite stable (I mean server part) on FreeBSD 6.0 Beta5, but client is
> only available for OpenBSD. Rick, do you plan to port your client to
> FreeBSD also?
> On the other hand, lack of delegation and locking state features from
> native FreeBSD6 client, prevent me from putting nfs4 in production.
> So, I kindly regard if anybody clear the situation, and in any case I
> could provide some testing.

hi ivan-

i'm beginning to look at the FreeBSD NFS client to think about how to 
finish the nascent NFSv4 and RPCGSS implementation.  it's a slow start 

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