VMWare 3.2.1 :: SMP support broken in 5.2-RELEASE

David Dollar ddollar at grepninja.com
Sat Jan 31 12:16:20 PST 2004

I've recently tried to install VMWare 3.2.1 from portsemulation/vmware3)
onto my 5.2-RELEASE system. I'm running an SMP kernel, using P4 

I've come across an inability to use VMWare, that I've tracked down to 
the vmmon_smp.ko driver, and the following lines of code

**[vmware-distrib/vmmon-only/freebsd/driver.c]**[line 313]**************

#if __FreeBSD_version >= 501113
       /* XXX This is temporary until a fix */
printf(DEVICE_NAME ": SMP support for this release is BROKEN.\n"); 

return EINVAL;



These lines of code prevent the module from loading on my 5.2-RELEASE 
system. Does anyone know what causes SMP to be unsupported for releases 
later than 5.1?

I tried forcing around this check, recompling, and got VMWare to 
successfully launch, but on power on of the virtual machine, it reported 
an unsupported CPU bit.

If anyone could let me know if there is any attempt to fix this issue, 
or whether any progress has been made towards identifying and 
eliminating the problem, I would be more than happy to lend a hand.

Thanks in advance,

David Dollar
<ddollar at grepninja.com>

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