Looking for hardware advice

Ian Lepore freebsd at damnhippie.dyndns.org
Fri Sep 28 17:49:42 UTC 2012

On Fri, 2012-09-28 at 11:28 -0600, Warner Losh wrote:
>  It supports USB for sure, and GPIO I think (need to double check: the drivers are there don't know if they are wired to userland).  I have the larger 9g20 that's 3.75x3.5 inches. It is USB 1 speeds through. The g45 has USB2 speed ports.

The atmel stuff doesn't export gpio access to userland right now (we
should fix that soon), but I can hand off a patchset to anyone who needs
it that adds a handful of IOCTLs to the at91_pio driver so that userland
can access pretty much all the gpio features (but not in a way that maps
into the standard /dev/gpio stuff).

-- Ian

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