<application> appearance in HTML

Gábor Kövesdán gabor at kovesdan.org
Tue Jun 24 20:27:53 UTC 2014

On 2014.06.24. 18:38, Warren Block wrote:
> The current CSS makes <application> elements appear in bold text in 
> XHTML.  For example:
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/desktop-browsers.html 
> This repeated use of bold makes for uncomfortable and fatiguing reading.
> Allan and I have searched for less severe forms of highlighting. 
> Without resorting to color, there are not many options.  The best I've 
> seen so far is font-variant: small-caps;, but that is quickly annoying 
> also.
> My suggestion at this point is to just remove the CSS entry for 
> applications.  The application names are names, and recognizably 
> distinct from other words on their own.
> Unless there are complaints, I will plan to remove the .application 
> entry from docbook.css before the end of this week. 
I'd try italic or just remove formatting as you suggested. Italic is 
good for emphasis, it is not that disturbing as bold. I'd avoid small 
caps because such a use is quite uncommon.


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