handbook - [5.4.2 Configuring X11] - suggesting an improvement

daniele meslists at yahoo.fr
Fri Feb 5 11:24:58 UTC 2010

> >/
> />/  I was reading the section 5.4.2 of the handbook. In the 2nd and 3rd Notes,
> />/  after the fdi file code, one reads
> />/
> />/  "You will have to reboot your machine to force *hald* to read this file."
> />/
> />/  I think this is not the most efficient solution to let hald read again the
> />/  file.
> />/
> />/  Restarting just the hal start script  wouldn't be enough ?
> /
> Not always:
> http://docs.freebsd.org/cgi/getmsg.cgi?fetch=595146+0+archive/2009/freebsd-doc/20091101.freebsd-doc

Thanks for answering. That seems a bit "strange". The specifically 
reported "problems" in the end are a mouse not working after the restart 
but the author did not specify the number of machines he made the test 
on and if other problems occur. It would be interesting to know a bit 
more about this (I mean if it happens frequently and if other problems 
occur). I changed the keyboard layout 1-2 times but got no problems here 
restarting the script.


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