found --again-- something weird on handbook chapter 8.3

Marc Fonvieille blackend at
Thu Mar 15 11:04:39 UTC 2007

On Thu, Mar 15, 2007 at 09:46:25AM +0100, Paco Cubi wrote:
> As on my mail of Wed, Mar 07, 2007 I'm reporting what I thing is a mistake
> on handbook's chapter 8.3:
> The third paragraph states "*Note:* If there is *not* a
> /usr/src/sysdirectory on your system, then the kernel source has not
> been installed. The
> easiest way to do this is by running sysinstall as root, choosing Configure,
> then Distributions, then src, then sys. "
> But my experience has been that before perfoming this operation make
> operation didn't started and show a "dont know how to make" message. My
> intuition told me that also the "base" of the "saurce" should be added. I
> tryed it an it worked! I believe that the third parragraph should be written
> like this:
> "*Note:* If there is *not* a /usr/src/sys directory on your system, then the
> kernel source has not been installed. The easiest way to do this is by
> running sysinstall as root, choosing Configure, then Distributions, then 
> src,
> then sys AND BASE. "

You're right, it's again a remain of the previous way used to build the
kernel.  With the current way we also need the top-level Makefiles.
I'll fix the doc.


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