Link not quite right

Ceri Davies ceri at
Sun Sep 25 23:38:42 UTC 2005

On 24 Sep 2005, at 11:07, Aluminium Oxide wrote:

> Hi,
> on
> contributing/index.html
> under the section 1.3 "Work through the PR Database" there is a  
> link to
> "The FreeBSD PR list ", which is a perl script. Currently on the above
> server, clicking on this link displays the perl script instead of
> running it. Can you pass this on to the sysad for this server?
> Probably, it has read access/permission and needs execute instead/as
> well.
> Thanks.

No, that link should be an absolute one to the script at  Fixed, thanks.


Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm
not sure about the former.                        -- Einstein (attrib.)

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