RFC: rework of the main web site's "internal" page

Mark Linimon linimon at lonesome.com
Sun Dec 7 09:21:21 UTC 2003

Currently, internal.html is in an apparently random order, and also
stylistically doesn't quite resemble the other pages.  This patch:

1.Breaks the document up into 4 sections, each with a header in the
standard color.

2. Reduces the size of the links to normal text size.

3. Logically sorts the links into the 4 sections.

4. Removes the following 3 links which have already been promoted
to the front page: "Contacting FreeBSD", "Search", and "Copyright".

5. Astute observers will note the "resources" page listed twice, once
under "policies" and once under "technical resources".  That's because
IMHO that page commingles the two and ought to be split up.
A separate patch will address that in the future.

The set of links is otherwise entirely the same; this patch mostly attempts
to fix only the presentation.

A mockup of the page (some of the links will not work) can be seen on

I'm certainly looking for feedback on this.  I'm not exactly happy with
any of the wording around the links, so I'm pretty open to suggestions:
for me, the main irritant of this page has always been the overall (lack
of) order and the huge link sizes, and that's what I've tried to address
with this specific set of changes.


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