cvsweb - Error: Failed to spawn GNU rlog

VilleSkyttä scop at
Mon Jun 23 14:46:48 PDT 2003

On Tue, 2003-06-17 at 00:07, Yves Fournier wrote:

> I'm not sure if I'm asking the right group of people for help but I
> haven't found any discussion boards (newsgroups) to get help with my
> problem.

Yes, you're on the correct list.

> I'm having trouble getting cvsweb to run.  Everything is set up
> properly (CVSROOT, .conf file, the path to rm, rlog, etc...)  but I
> keep on getting this error
>  Error: Failed to spawn GNU rlog on "all my file names in cvs"
>  Did you set the $command_path in your configuration file correctly ?
> (Currently "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin" 
> I am able to run rlog from the command line but I can't get it to run
> in the cvsweb.cgi  script.
> The web server that I'm running is Apache, I'm not sure which modules
> are running, my Perl version is 5.0.8 using mod_perl 2 

Most likely that's the problem, mod_perl 2 has issues with the current
cvsweb.cgi.  These will be sorted out eventually.  In the meantime, I'd
say running without cvsweb.cgi without mod_perl 2 is a better bet. 
OTOH, mod_perl 1.2x should work.

\/ille Skyttä
scop at

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