cvsweb - Error: Failed to spawn GNU rlog

Yves Fournier fournier at
Mon Jun 16 14:07:01 PDT 2003


I'm not sure if I'm asking the right group of people for help but I haven't found any discussion boards (newsgroups) to get help with my problem.

I'm having trouble getting cvsweb to run.  Everything is set up properly (CVSROOT, .conf file, the path to rm, rlog, etc...)  but I keep on getting this error

 Error: Failed to spawn GNU rlog on "all my file names in cvs"

 Did you set the $command_path in your configuration file correctly ? (Currently "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin" 

I am able to run rlog from the command line but I can't get it to run in the cvsweb.cgi  script.

The web server that I'm running is Apache, I'm not sure which modules are running, my Perl version is 5.0.8 using mod_perl 2 

I can properly browse through the directories in my cvs repository but I can't see the file names themselfs.  I configured cvs to use a lock dir that is r/w to everyone, (I initially though that this was the problem) but with no luck.  If anyone could give me a little help on how to troubleshoot my cvsweb installation, I would greatly appreciate it.

(I'm new to installing cvs and running scripts on web server like cvsweb)  I have followed the directions on how to install it and do not know where to look to make this work.

Could my web server prevent me from running the exec command from a cgi script?  cvsweb does use perl -T (for taint) which should allow me to run system or exec commands  (to the best of my knowledge which might not be much...)  but is that enough?  Do I need something like Apache::Subprocess to run the exec command from the cgi script?  does mod_perl need something special to run the exec command?

If so, how would I do this and how would I check if I lack something in my installation to prevent me from running external programs with exec?

Thanks in advance.


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