ulpt can't attach Lexmark E120

Hans Petter Selasky hps at bitfrost.no
Thu Aug 22 11:33:22 UTC 2013

On 08/22/13 13:24, George Mitchell wrote:
> As I was saying a few minutes ago ...
> On 01/27/13 17:32, George Mitchell wrote:
>> On 01/27/13 14:07, Hans Petter Selasky wrote:
>>> [...]  I need output when hw.usb.ulpt.debug=15 to say exactly.
>>> Could you
>>> ask the provider of the binaries to compile having USB_DEBUG set, also
>>> for the
>>> modules.
>>> --HPS
>> I'm working on getting a debug build ...  Thanks for your help so far.
>> I notice that there seem to be only trivial differences between the 9.1
>> release ulpt and the 10.0 current ulpt driver.              -- George
> (This is on a Raspberry Pi.)  It took me a bit longer than anticipated,
> but here is the output, from an image built over last weekend:


Could you run:

usbdump -i usbusX -f Y -s 65536

To get a dump of the USB activity when you plug the device? The message 
in question is not important, and might be changed to not cancel the 
ulpt attach routine.


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