Strange issue with Samba on 8.0rc1

David Ehrmann ehrmann at
Mon Oct 26 17:31:19 UTC 2009

Remko Lodder wrote:
> Wait.. Are you telling us you have a
> vr and an vge card in the same network? that would surely generate 
> problems. One of them will reply for the ARP address of the requested 
> IP, because they both know the address for
> that. That could mean that sometimes the traffic goes to the vge, and 
> sometimes to the vr device.
> The thing to avoid that is by unsetting ARP questions on the 
> interface, and statically assigning it to your devices (arp -S/-s) so 
> that they will only talk with the correct interface.
> The way I read this, it will never generate a good working test...
Yes, but I only set it up to see if the problem is with vge, so it was 
down when I initially saw the problem.  They do have different IP 
addresses, so while the ARP reply might come from either, I would think 
that it would be correct, and all incoming traffic would go to the right 
interface.  I'm not sure about outgoing traffic.  There weren't any 
warnings in dmesg or /var/log/messages about my configuration.

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