Strange issue with Samba on 8.0rc1

Remko Lodder remko at
Mon Oct 26 13:33:57 UTC 2009

On Oct 24, 2009, at 12:31 AM, David Ehrmann wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 1:26 PM, Pyun YongHyeon <pyunyh at>  
> wrote:
>> Forgot to say one thing.
>> AFAIK there is one bug which tries to adjust buffer length after
>> loading dma map when frame length is less than 60 bytes. However
>> I'm not sure whether this causes your Samba related issue.
> I just gave my other ethernet device, vr0, an IP and netmask.  I'm  
> seeing
> the same problem if I access the samba share via that IP.  Unless  
> FreeBSD is
> doing something funny and trying to guess that the two IP addresses  
> are on
> the same network and sending all data out on the faster interface, I  
> think
> the vge driver is off the hook.
> I also switched my laptop over from wifi to ethernet, but that also  
> didn't
> change things.
> _______________________________________________

Wait.. Are you telling us you have a

vr and an vge card in the same network? that would surely generate  
problems. One of them will reply for the ARP address of the requested  
IP, because they both know the address for
that. That could mean that sometimes the traffic goes to the vge, and  
sometimes to the vr device.

The thing to avoid that is by unsetting ARP questions on the  
interface, and statically assigning it to your devices (arp -S/-s) so  
that they will only talk with the correct interface.

The way I read this, it will never generate a good working test...

/"\   Best regards,                        | remko at
\ /   Remko Lodder                      | remko at EFnet
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