Our old friend, the small default layout is back...

Svein Skogen (listmail account) svein-listmail at stillbilde.net
Wed Aug 26 16:24:37 UTC 2009

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Nick Hilliard wrote:
> On 26/08/2009 16:46, illoai at gmail.com wrote:
>> In addition to Novice, Standard, and Advanced, we must
>> prepare for the future by adding a Foot-Shoot (default /
>> size is 128M newfs -b 4096) and an Ubunutu option with
>> one massive root partition with journaling and encryption
>> and a swap file residing in /.
> You're right.  My local computer shop is selling 1Tb disks for the
> outrageous sum of €80, and as you infer, it's a ridiculous idea to
> default to squandering 8 cents worth of disk space for the root
> partition instead of 1 cent worth of space.  It's important to keep
> these things in perspective: look after the pennies and the pounds look
> after themselves.
> On an related issue, as the freebsd8 amd64 default install is clearly
> aimed at tiny, ancient installations, I have suddenly developed a
> pressing need for ISDN and ATM support on a new amd64 server I bought
> last month with 4 megs of RAM and a 5 gig disk.  Can someone please pull
> this code back out of the attic?  thanks in advance,
> Seriously, though, is this worth arguing?

Actually, I can see a scenario where an increased root fs size may be
problematic. That's when you're setting up FreeBSD on a smallish 4GB
CF-card, which is relevant when people are using FreeBSD to build a
no-movable-parts router and so on. But, in real life, when you're
setting up such a specialized machine, you basically need to set up your
FS'es manually anyways.

I think a lot more of us set up "real" freebsd-boxes, and a lot of us
hit the "express" install, "a" in fdisk, "a" in disklabel, "minimal" and
"ok", because we have our own local ncvs anyways, and are impatient just
to get the new installation going. I know I did this. For most of the
now 20 and increasing FreeBSD installations just here at home. (19 of
them in vmware guests spread over two ESXi 4 installations).

A lot of the FreeBSD "end users" are used to it being
"sysadmin-friendly" (as opposed to user-friendly) by having reasonably
sane defaults allowing us to actually leave stuff at its default value.
I see no reason whatsoever for FreeBSD to grow any less
sysadmin-friendly, in fact I consider the sysadmin-friendliness to be
one of FreeBSD's major "selling-points".

As a sidepoint, my reason for going 8.0 with the new box was "mfiutil".
Brilliant work there!


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  /"\   |Svein Skogen       | svein at d80.iso100.no
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