diskless, swap and DHCP

Harti Brandt brandt at fokus.fraunhofer.de
Wed Mar 24 09:38:50 PST 2004

Hi all,

I'm trying to get an Ultra-1 to run diskless. So far most if the stuff
works, I have however problems to set up swapping over NFS. There is a
section in the handbook about this and I followed the instructions there
without much faith in that it will work. And, yep, it doesn't. I have
poked around in the sources and found no places, where the additional
DHCP options for the swap file and size are parsed. So, how is that
supposed to work?

Also I wonder about the kenv variables dhcp.host-name and
dhcp.domain-name-servers. There seems to be no places in the source where
they will ever be set. So, again, how is that supposed to work?


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