VOP_* changes causes NULL ptr dereference for acl_get_file(3)

Mark Santcroos marks at ripe.net
Thu Dec 2 13:51:26 PST 2004

I need at least the following patch to keep my system alive.
A simple call to acl_get_file(3) is enough to crash the machine.

You will have to think a bit more about how you want to initialize stuff
or about better defaults for cases like ACLs.


==== //depot/projects/custom/kern/vfs_default.c#35 - /home/marks/proj/perforce/projects/custom/kern/vfs_default.c ====
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@
 	.vop_revoke =		VOP_PANIC,
 	.vop_strategy =		vop_nostrategy,
 	.vop_unlock =		vop_stdunlock,
+	.vop_getacl =		VOP_EINVAL,

RIPE NCC - Delft University of Technology - The FreeBSD Project
marks at ripe.net - m.a.santcroos at ewi.tudelft.nl - marks at freebsd.org

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